National Apprenticeship Show
Dear parent/carer,
Please find details of the National apprenticeship show that is happening at the Ricoh in the next couple of days.
Your son/daughter may have shown an interest in starting an apprenticeship after their studies this year at President Kennedy School. Or, they have not yet confirmed what their plans are for next year.
We feel this is a fantastic opportunity for students to attend an event which is on their doorstep and will have over 40 apprenticeship providers present.
We have informed all relevant students it is crucial that they attend this event either tomorrow (Tuesday 30th January between 10am-2.30pm), or Wednesday 31st of January between 10am-2.30pm.
Instructions to how to register for the event are below, and have been sent to students.
There is also an opportunity for parents to attend tomorrow between 3.30pm and 6pm as well, you will need to register as well.
Please follow the instructions below:
- Open up the link, register your plan using the registration form, (scroll down to booking tab) and then you need to let Mr Fogarty, Mrs. Bartley, Mrs. Sanger and Mrs. Mitchard which day you are going and what time:
When you have attended then you must Mr Fogarty, Mrs Mitchard, Mrs Worwood and Mrs Sanger know which companies you have spoken with, which ones you are applying for, when is the deadline, so that we can support with any applications.
Careers Fayre
Here at President Kennedy School, we are working hard to make sure our students are receiving the very best career support they deserve.
Our Year 9, Year 11 and Post 16 students attended our successful school careers fayre with over 30 employers, universities, training providers and colleges from across Coventry and Warwickshire.
BBC Bitesize Roadshow
Last week saw all of our Year 9, 10 and 11 students listen and engage with three local entrepreneurs. This was part of the national BBC Bitesize Roadshow event for schools. Students heard about their career journeys, skills required and experiences about three very different jobs.
They heard from Mark O'Shea, Events Co-ordinator at the CBS Arena, Reece Brewster, a Level 7 degree Apprentice at Jaguar Land Rover, and Paul Bennet, an Assistant Director at the BBC who is currently working on the current Coventry series 'Phoenix Rise'.
There was great feedback from the BBC Bitesize crew and the guest speakers from visiting the school.
Paul Bennet from the BBC expressed interest to work with the school's drama department and hopefully have the drama students visit the film set.
Mark O'Shea from CBS Arena plans to be involved with the school and hope to enagge our students with visits, assemblies, WEX placements in the future - watch this space!
Mr Fogarty, Careers and Vocational Studies Director
Students from Years 7, 8 and 9 took part in a HS2 STEM Event in school delivered by The Small piece Trust. The students in groups of four took part in activities that put their STEM knowledge to the test.
They had to build a paper structure to hold a 500g weight - no glue or tape allowed, just paper. The highest structure a group of students managed was 66 cm tall. The teams were then tasked with designing and building a tunnel that would fit a toy train through and hold as much weight as possible, it also had to be at least 60 cm long. There were many excellent designs, and the majority of the tunnels held some weight, but the winning teams tunnel supported 4.5kg of weight, which is fantastic considering the only materials they had to build their tunnel were paper straws, scissors and masking tape.
Students learnt about the UK railway Infrastructure, railway construction, how tunnels are made and about all the careers involved in building the UK’s railways. There were many more careers than we could have imagined involved in building and maintaining railways, from Civil Engineering, data analyst, rail engineer, designers to business administrators and solicitors.
The students really enjoyed their day and hopefully took away some ideas of the type of careers they can pursue with their Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Skills.
Careers Week
This past week has seen staff get involved in 'Careers Week' during registration time. Staff have been sharing their own career stories, identifying specific jobs and skills they have experienced prior to becoming a teacher.
Post 16 tutors worked on a carousel basis to speak with students face-to-face about their personal career journeys, their pathway into teaching and answering any questions. Mr Fogarty, Head of Careers
Apprenticeship Evening
The event took place in October and was a huge success. Students in Year 10, 11,12 and 13 had the opportunity to come into school with parents to speak to many apprenticeship providers, colleges, training providers and employers.
Approximately 150 students came to the event and took away information about apprenticeships and Degree apprenticeships to support their decision about their next steps beyond school.
KS4 & KS5 Careers Fair
Over 30 representatives attended the Careers fair from Universities, colleges, training providers, specialist subject providers and employers. The students had the opportunity to ask questions, collect information and try activities to support their career choices and think about their post 16 and post 18 options.
The feedback we have had from students has been very positive and has supported them to start to make decisions about the future.
KS3 Careers Fair
Year 7, year 8 and year 9 had a mini career fair on 8th December to support them in starting to think about careers, aspirations, GCSE options, Post 16 options and the wider world.
The providers that attended were made up of Universities, Colleges, training providers and employers. Students asked questions and collected information to help them start to understand the world beyond school.
BBC Bitesize Careers Tour
The BBC returned to visit us last week for their Bitesize Careers Tour. The session, as part of the BBC's centenary year, highlighted the range of career opportunities in storytelling at the organisation and the creative industries, both locally and across the UK. The hugely popular CBBC presenter and YouTuber, Lee Hinchcliffe, acted as host and introduced our students to three panellists from very different careers through a discussion focussed on careers in storytelling. We were introduced to Sam Kershaw; Digital Content Creator and Producer at the BBC, Marc Silk, a voice actor and Paula Rawsthorne, a writer.
All three individuals were able to share their career journey, the challenges they faced along the way and why they love the job they have. Students had great fun interacting with the panellists, asking questions and even had a lesson in talking like Scooby Doo – from the expert Marc! It was a great opportunity to inspire our own future storytellers.
Your Future Roadshow
Our Year 10 students had the opportunity to participate in the 'Your Future Roadshow'.
This event aims to support young people with providing impartial advice so that they are able to make well-informed decisions about their future education.
Students had the opportunity to engage in four workshops learning about Higher Education, Further Education (College and Sixth Forms), Apprenticeships and T Levels and preparing for the World of Work.
Feedback from the external providers was very positive – they commented on the great interaction and interest shown by our students.