Contacting School
Contacting school
Your child’s learning works best with good communication between home and school.
Secondary schools are much larger than Primary schools and this can sometimes be difficult to navigate for parents and students. At President Kennedy School, ensuring that students and parents can contact someone is very important. Below is a diagram to show who has most regular contact with children with Special Educational Needs or Disability.
The Form Tutor: sees students every day. Please contact them by note sent in with your child, email or telephone with information about events such as dentist visits, simple queries about dates, uniform or general concerns. If they need to ,they can pass information and queries to other relevant staff.
The Subject Teacher: sees your child a between 2-4 times a week. Please contact them by note, email or telephone. You may want to send a message to the form tutor to pass on to the subject teacher. These contacts should be about progress and issues related to that specific subject. Subject teachers may pass information on to Form Tutors, College teams or members of the SEN team
The College team: Each Year group is referred to as a College. Members of this team will see your child’s Form Tutor daily and may see your child regularly over each week. Each team has a College Director, a Progress leader and Pastoral Manager. Contact is again available by note, email or telephone. Messages sent to the college team will be directed to the relevant person to take action and return calls. This may be about more specific pastoral issues, concerns about learning in more than one subject area and how your child’s learning is supported. College staff meet weekly with the SENCO to share concerns and share information with subject leaders and teachers.
The SEND Team: Members of this team may be based in your child’s college, or in the SEND department. How often they see your child will depend upon the individual needs of each child. Contact with these staff will be about the support they give in class or in interventions. Members of this team will liaise with subject teachers, college teams and the SENCO.
Key Review Workers: We aim to meet with every child with Special Educational needs or Disability three times a year to review their progress and feelings about school. These reviews are completed by staff who have some understanding and relationship with these students. The reviewer will aim to contact parents about these reviews by telephone, Email or face to face if required. Reviewers will share relevant information with Form Tutors, Subject Teachers, Colleges, Members of the SEN team and the SENCO.
The SENCO: The SENCO aims to coordinate the assessment, support and reviews of every student with Special Educational Needs or Disability. However, for the majority of students, support is provided by the staff in the list above. The SENCO meets weekly with the college teams to discuss particular issues and aims to coordinate response. The SENCO has a particular focus on the students with Education Health and Care Plans.
Who to Contact
Hub administrator
Hub Curriculum Leader
Hub Learning Mentor
Autism Lead
EAL Teacher
Young Carers:
Young Carers staff contact details can be found in the attachment below.