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News Stories

March 2022

  • Year 7 Success at the Coventry Schools Tournament

    Published 31/03/22

    The Year 7 Rugby team, played in the Coventry Schools tournament on Tuesday night at Bablake playing fields. In the group games President Kennedy School beat Finham 20-0, Newman 20-5 and BKHS 'B' 30 - 5. 

    This meant we won the group and played Coundon Court in the semi finals who we then beat 20-5, this set up a final vs BKHS 'A', this proved to be an exciting final with President Kennedy School taking the lead half way into the game, the President Kennedy School defence then worked tirelessly to halt the BKHS attack, unfortunately, with the last play of the game BKHS scored in the corner to tie the game. 

    The trophy is shared for 6 months each and it truly was an outstanding effort by President Kennedy School.

    Mr Garlick, P.E Department

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  • BBC Bitesize Careers Tour Inspires Students

    Published 31/03/22

    The BBC returned to visit us last week for their Bitesize Careers Tour. The session, as part of the BBC's centenary year, highlighted the range of career opportunities in storytelling at the organisation and the creative industries, both locally and across the UK.  

    The hugely popular CBBC presenter and YouTuber, Lee Hinchcliffe, acted as host and introduced our students to three panellists from very different careers through a discussion focussed on careers in storytelling.  




    We were introduced to Sam Kershaw; Digital Content Creator and Producer at the BBC, Marc Silk, a voice actor and Paula Rawsthorne, a writer.  

    All three individuals were able to share their career journey, the challenges they faced along the way and why they love the job they have. Students had great fun interacting with the panellists, asking questions and even had a lesson in talking like Scooby Doo – from the expert Marc!

    It was a great opportunity to inspire our own future storytellers.

                                                          Mrs Fawcett, Careers Leader

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  • STEM Roadshow Comes to President Kennedy School

    Published 31/03/22

    The 2022 schools STEM roadshow was a 50 minute interactive presentation that explored the subject of magnetism. Aligned to the school curriculum, by using examples from our three education partner organisations, BAE Systems, Royal Air Force and  Royal Navy and surprising applications in everyday objects, students were fascinated by just how commonplace magnets and electromagnets are. 


    There were magic magnetic moments, where we demonstrated magic tricks that all use magnets. There was a test of strength and one of the presenters was suspended in the air to demonstrate how strong electromagnets can be. Packed with fun and factual references, students and teachers learned something new about the wonderful World of Magnets.


    The purpose of the event was to give our students the opportunity to see a STEM topic in a totally different light. Students were be able to make a connection between some familiar objects, what they have learnt about these in the classroom and how they relate to the world of work. They learnt that STEM careers can be accessed by all genders and that a passion for Maths and Science will help them hugely.

                                                          Mrs Fawcett, Careers Leader

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  • Year 7 Make a Very Special Delivery!

    Published 24/03/22

    Our Year 7 College Council arranged a visit to a local care home in order to wish a resident many happy returns on her 102nd birthday.  The residents name is Mary and she was presented with a birthday cake and a card signed by our Year 7 students.  Students in Year 7 have also adopted pen pals from care homes around Coventry through letter writing which care home residents have really enjoyed.   

    Mr Finlayson, Leader of Enrichment




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  • The Rotary Club Competition

    Published 22/03/22

    Year 7: Charlie, Serena and Gursharan spent their Friday night (Friday 4th March) representing The Bridge in a Youth Speaks Debating Competition at Bablake School hosted by The Rotary Club. 

    They had great determination and curiosity in researching the motion that the Covid-19 Vaccination should be mandatory for all children. They had to present an argument for the motion and one against the motion. They then had to answer a question on the spot which was asked by a member of The Rotary Club. 

    They did fabulously well in articulating their views and had lots of positive feedback from the judges and the audience. 

    Well done all!

    Mrs Arnett, Student Leadership and Character, The Bridge

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  • Year 7 Library Teams Triumph in the Coventry Schools - CIBA Hooked on Books Quiz

    Published 08/03/22




    On Thursday 3rd March, the Year 7 Library Teams participated in the Coventry Inspiration Books Awards, “Hooked on Books Quiz 2022”, competing online against other Coventry Secondary and  Primary schools.


    In preparation for the Quiz, the students had to read all of the books that were shortlisted in the “Hooked on Books” category of the Coventry Inspiration Book Awards 2022 – a total of 8 books.

    Our 2 teams both did really well and after 6 rounds of tough questions, our teams beat all the other Secondary schools and took 3rd and 4th place overall. 

    Well done to our Year 7 teams – Junaid Abdirahman-Jaffar, Damilola Olaniran, Mutahira Alijaz, Daniel Killey, Meadow Lawrence, Charlotte Maltby, Ilan Thowfeek Faris, Ryleigh Winterburn and Wen Zheng. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Library Staff

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  • Thinking of Teaching? Come to a School Experience Day...

    Published 02/03/22

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March 2022