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Parent/Carer Survey - Your Opinion Matters! Extended until Monday 30th June 2019.

Improving President Kennedy School

Dear Parents and Carers

Please may I ask for your help in improving President Kennedy School?

We are constantly trying to improve the education we offer the students of our school and are now at a stage in the school year where we need you to tell us how well you think we are doing and how we can improve the things that are important to you.

I would be grateful if you could please spare some time to fill in the questionnaire and tell us what you think.

The website address for your browser bar is as follows - please note the password is case sensitive.

Link to parent/carer login:

Parent/carer password: PKSP9961

The survey has been extended and will be available for you to complete until the 30th June 2019.

By completing the questionnaire, you will be telling us how you think we should be spending our time and resources, to make our school the best it can be for your son or daughter.

Each completed questionnaire is vital in finding out what parents think. If you have more than one child at President Kennedy School, please complete the questionnaire for each of them. Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and will make a real difference to how we run the school and plan for the future.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

N Clayton Headteacher