Fundraising Success!

Millie-Mae Hendrie (Year 9) and her family and friends began fundraising in 2017, hoping to raise enough money for Millie-Mae to be able to purchase a BrailleNoteTouch, a certified braille tablet specifically designed for use by blind and visually impaired individuals. This will enable her to access Google, e-mails, audio books and many other apps, which can be downloaded onto a standard tablet or mobile phone.
Millie-Mae and her family organised a summer garden party, had a cake sale, ran stalls at the school Christmas Fayre, held a tombola and sold raffle tickets in a bid to raise £4500. After 18 months of fundraising, they had made significant progress towards the total, but still had some way to go.
A firm of Independent Financial Advisers, MPA Financial Management Ltd, had recently launched a Charitable Foundation and heard about Millie-Mae’s fundraising efforts. They were so impressed that they made an extremely generous donation of £1222 through their Charitable Foundation, which meant that Millie-Mae could finally buy a BrailleNote Touch.
On 18th March, Millie-Mae and her mum went to visit MPA Financial Management, based in Henley in Arden, to meet the Charitable Foundation Trustees; Phil McGovern, Managing Director, Eddie Ball, Compliance Director and Grace Brennan, Office Manager. She thanked them and all of the staff at MPA in person for their fantastic donation and to demonstrate to them how she uses the BrailleNote Touch.She explained what a massive difference it has made to her independence.
Millie-Mae would like to say an enormous thank you to everyone who helped her with fundraising or made a donation.
Mrs A Hull, Specialist TA for VI Student