Students from Years 7, 8 and 9 took part in a HS2 STEM Event in school delivered by The Small Piece Trust. The students in groups of 4 took part in activities that put their STEM knowledge to the test - they had to build a paper structure to hold a 500g weight no glue or tape allowed just paper. The highest structure a group of students managed was 66 cm tall. The teams were then tasked with designing and building a tunnel that would fit a toy train through and hold a much weight as possible, it also had to be at least 60 cm long.
There were many excellent designs, and the majority of the tunnels held some weight, but the winning teams tunnel supported 4.5kg of weight. Which is fantastic considering the only materials they had to build their tunnel were paper straws, scissors and masking tape.
Students learned about the UK railway infrastructure, railway construction, how tunnels are made and about all the careers involved in building the UK’s railways.
There were so many more careers than we could have imagined involved in building and maintaining railways from Civil Engineering, Data Analyst, Rail Engineer, Designers to Business Administrators and Solicitors.
The students really enjoyed their day and hopefully took away some ideas of the type of careers they can do with their Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Skills.
Miss Worwood , Leader of Careers